Want to start a 26g Nano Bow Front...Need Help


New Member
I am interested in starting a 26g Nano. I have a few ideas for fish. I wondering if that is too many. Please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 Snowflake Eel
2 Clown Fish
1 small Anemone (maybe not positive)
3 Cleaner Clams
10 Blue Leg Hermits
1 Yellow Cucmber
1 Monkey Shrimp
1 Horse Shoe Crab
1 Chocolate Starfish
Is that too many or can I maybe even fit a couple more small things in there. Again any help would be appreciated. And if it is to much just let me know dont flame the thread. Thats why im asking. You guys are the experts. I just dont want to waste money. Thank you for taking your time to help me. :happy:


New Member
How much swimming space or space in general do you need for a Hippo Tang. I know I see alot of people say they need room and others say no. Just looking into that as well. But if someone can answer my first post first in this thread and then if you have time to help me with this one. I will keep searching for an answer on here.


That sounds like a pretty good load for a tank that size, but it is also depending on what kind of filtration the tank has and how you maintain it. I would suggest starting with your favorites and building up slowly from there. When you get to a point of too much in there you will be working hard to keep the parameters up. Just my 2cents.
I would not put a hippo in a tank that small. 55 gallon would be a minimum inho.


New Member
Now when you say working hard do you mean keeping the nitrates and gases down.
And I figured you were going to say 55g minimum for the Tang. Thanks for your help.


New Member
How often do you have to change the water in the tank in a 26g. I tried doing a search and it seems you have to change 20% of the water a month. So around 4 gallons a month I have to change. Is that correct?


Active Member
Did you mean Chocolate Chip Sea Star? If so, then you should be advised that they have been known to eat all kinds of coral, anemones, and even some invertebrates. Just thought I'd share =)