want to start reef, need advice


Want to start going in the 'reef' direction. How 'old' does my tank have to be? It's only 4 months now. What would be a good, easy 'first' addition when ever I can add?
Also...can I get an anenome this soon?
Also..........Lighting requirments for reef?
(55 gallon....maybe will go nano, not sure.)


Active Member
Well if your wanting anenomes most need mh lights but if your going more like shrooms and softys you can do them with vhos and pc lights and your tank at four months you can get a few shrooms right now to start maby a toadstool they are one of the tuffer in corals


If you want to save yourself a lot of $, I would buy a book first. Tell us a little about your setup, or the one you are planning. How are your water parameters. I would not reccomend an anemone this soon, if ever. Some find them very hard to keep. I would start with things like mushrooms, colt corals, zoanthids, star polyps, yellow polyps, muchrooms, etc. Definately start with soft corals.
As an example for lighting, I have a 55g with 4x65 watts of power compacts. I am running a mixure of white and actinic. I have mostly soft corlas but I do have a brain and a torch as well.


Active Member
If you can afford it go with te metal halides know because most everybody ends buying them a few months down the line and you end up wasting more money because you bought the pc setup, so just do it right the first time. Any soft corals should do fine in your tank along with a few lps like brains.:D


Also, a good general rule regarding lighting is 5 watts per gallon. Of course, the more - the merrier.


thanks for the info. I am not sure if I will do this in my 55 or if I will get a nano. Probably better to start small?


Active Member
On the contrary - the larger the tank, the easier it is to stabilize salinity, alkalinity, pH etc. Stability is the key for a successful reef, IMO.