New Member
Hey- ive done lots of research, but i still need help. I want to do a 29 gallon saltwater aquarium. Heres what i plan on getting so far- 29 gallon tank with full hood an light,MaxJet 400 power head, Rena Basic 300 W. heater,Glass Hydrometer, Visi Jet Protein Skimmer, Instant Ocean 50 gallon sea salt, 20 lbs live sand, Marine Basics Test Kit, Digital Thermometer, and a Whisper 40 filter. Do i need an undergravel filter? Can you even use one with sand? What else do i need. How much LR should i get. any info or forum sites are welcome. Any fish recomendations?Can you tell me about cycling? Sorry about the long post.
Can I see Some pics of you guy`s 20-29 gallon tanks?
Im new to this so any help is welcomed!
Can I see Some pics of you guy`s 20-29 gallon tanks?
Im new to this so any help is welcomed!