Want to thank everyone for helping out a new guy!


I just want to thank everyone for helping out the new guy. I am completely new to salt water tanks and just don't want to screw anything up. I know its a costly investment, not to mention don't want to kill anything.
Currently all I have in my tank is salt water, a coral sand base with live sand on top. I am waiting for the water to clear up (because I was an idiot and didn't put anything on the sand to keep it from stirring up lol). Once that happens I am planning on putting cured live rock (already cured at Feeder's Supply) in the tank. I have a carbon filter currently running and was wondering if it would be safe to turn it off because its making the milky water slower to settle down. The guy at the pet store told me to get the filter going right away but wondering if I really need to do that right now? If the filter is turned off and the water goes stagnet, will the live sand go bad and how bad of an algae problem will it create? I am currently running the 10,000K flourescent bulb 10-12 hrs a day and keeping the water temp currently at 82F Is that too warm for live sand? I just did what the guy at the pet store told me and now wondering if maybe anyone else could give me a little insight on the subject? Thanks! :eek:)