Want to trade equipment for frags!


This is what I have to trade:
2- 4' .03 actinic VHO's (about 2 months of use on them)
1- 9" 18 watt Coralife PC
Also I have a 1 Gallon Kit of Brand New B-ionic (1 gallon of each part 1 and 2)
1- 16 oz containter of Kent Marine Kalkwasser Mix
3- 16 oz ESV Strontium bottles
2- 4lb Tropic Marin Bio Calcium containers
All supplements are brand new and unopened
Looking for all kinds of frags...... email me at patrick.howell@murraystate.edu


also have an extra 40 gallon "hex front" tank. I originally used it as a sump, it has a few minor scrathes on it.


Don, I hope your still subscribed to this thread. I'm out of town on a ski trip and don't have your email handy. Please don't send those shrooms this monday. I won't be back near the tank until thursday or friday next week. I hope you get this in time. I'll get with you sometime towards the end of next week to try to work something out. Please send me an email if you get this in time.


Pat, did you ever get my e-mail????????
I got your message too late.
The e-mail came from my sister-in-laws computer, it would of started off with laliz........
Let me know.