Wanted: Pictures of Ghost Eels


Can you post your picture of mature ghost eels please. I'm thinking of getting one (a ghost eel or a SFE, but I can get pictures of SFE anywhere), and I want to be able to see what they look like. A close up of a full body shot would be appreciated.


here is mine...I had him since the begining of May...I ordered it from one of my LSF store back in Jan when I started my tank and they never got it...but when I found a better LSF, hje found it for me...he only had one vender of the 4 he uses that had him listed and got it in 2 weeks! Since he got mine in, its his best selling eel...he's been getting one or 2 every other week...and they sell pretty fast! But my guy is awesome....a little pig too! I was feeding him a few silver sides every few days but lately hes been doing his hungry stroll around the tank every night so hes been getting almost one a night! very cool little fish....doesn't bother any of the fish or shrimp in the tank either....well worth the $$ and MUCH prettier then a SFE and like 1/4 of the size!!
the 2nd to last pic is of him and my sleeper head goby hiding under the same rock...
in the last pic u can see him under the rock my the BTA
