Wanted Skimmer

Hi Lesa,
What type of skimmer are you looking for? I have a bunch of misc. items in storage from my maint. business, CPR, AquaC, Red Sea, Aquarium Systems, etc. I live in N.H. and would have to ship to you if you are interested. Just let me know.


I would prefer a external hang on. (not one with air stones or filter pads.)
A Red Sea Prizm or a SeaClone.
I am not familiar with the others ones you mentioned. Shipping will be fine. You can email me if you like with prices plus shipping to 74864
I think that the AquaC Remora that I have would probably suit you best as the CPR Bak Paks that I have I modified with a wooden airstone to process more air in addition to what the venturi provided. The Remora that I have comes with a Maxi-jet pump and I'm asking $75 for it. I'll find out what the cost for shipping will be and get back to you. I have shipped all the used items that I've sold to other hobbyists through the Postal Center USA in Nashua, and so far I've had no problems at all. If you'd like to see more details on the skimmer you can go to the AquaC website at www.proteinskimmer.com



Originally posted by MykGillespie
Hi Lesa,
What type of skimmer are you looking for? I have a bunch of misc. items in storage from my maint. business, CPR, AquaC, Red Sea, Aquarium Systems, etc. I live in N.H. and would have to ship to you if you are interested. Just let me know.

Hey, Myke. I also need a skimmer for my 90 gallon. Could you email me some prices? I live nearby in Mass. Thanks.


If anyone is still looking, I have a red sea prism that I'll part with . $50 plus $10 or so for shipping.


Anything you are willing to part with that would take care of a 75 aggressive in trade for a 15W Aquanetics UV sterilizer?