Wanted SPS frags in NY..


Active Member
I'm getting my new lights in, so i will have a lot more room in my 125 for some more SPS. If anyone has any that are in NY and would want to meet or ship since its cheap shipping in state.
I'm looking for
Encrusting monties
Pretty much anything else but dont like caps.
Please send me a message here or littlebuck70@yahoo.com
I may have something that you might like so a trade is always possible.


I have several things I could frag for you. I live in cntral NY so shipping could be UPS Ground I have:
German Blue Digi $25.
Rose digi $20.
Cream Stag Acropora $20.
Pink Pocillipora $20.
Green Pocillipora $20.
Montipora Spongodes $20.
Idaho Grape Montipora $30
Pink Birdsnest $15.
green Encrusting Montipora (Nice blue polyps) $20
Frags are 1" or better all 3rd generation or better.


Active Member
German Blue Digi $25.
Green Pocillipora $20.
Montipora Spongodes $20.
Idaho Grape Montipora $30
Pink Birdsnest $15.
green Encrusting Montipora (Nice blue polyps) $20
Frags are 1" or better all 3rd generation or better.
CAn u send me pics of these? littlebuck70@yahoo.com
Thanks Jeremy