WANTED: Wet/Dry sump, overflow, pump, bio balls, etc..


I am looking for a complete sump setup... wet/dry, prefilter/overflow, pump, bio balls, all hoses and fittings... basically i want an entire setup that I can pull outta the box and have up and running in 30 minutes. It is for a 75gallon reef setup i'm working on. Shoot me an email if you can help me on this one. parkegm@jmu.edu
Also, i'm in need of UV sterilizer, protein skimmer, 75 gallon all glass aquarium w/ glass top, and possibly even a RO/DI 5 stage unit if you can provide me with a VERY good deal. Thanks.


I've got most of the stuff your looking for. Send me an e mail address, and I'll send you detail on each item I have. The tank is up, and running, but will be down within the next week. I could ship the stuff after next weekend, if your interested.