wanting a lionfish


New Member
Hello everyone, I am a greenhorn when it comes to saltwater, but I have successfully gotten my 55 gal set up and cycled. I currently have a FOWLR set up that has about 35 pounds of live rock and 40 pounds of live sand. It has been up and running now for about 6 weeks and this last week it finished cycling. I have in it right now
1. 1 Domino Damsel
2. 1 yellow tail Damsel
3. 1 Clarki Clown
4. 3 chromis
5. 1 snawflake eel
6. 10 tiny hermit crabs
I am running a fluval 404, a redsea prism skimmer, 3 aquaclear powerheads, a aquaclear hang on back filter.
My Salienity is 1.023, ammonia 0ppm. nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 5ppm and PH at 82.
I know that this question has been asked before, but I just can not seem to find the answer that I am looking for. I would truly like to have a lionfish I know that the volitan is way too large of a fish for my 55, but I was thinking along the lines of a dwarf zebra or even an antennae, although the antennae may be a little big for my current set up. I am already looking at getting a larger tank within the next year. My main question would be if I can have a lionfish in my current set up and I am not sure what I can house with it. If anyone can give me any suggestions or even let me know if this is even possible I would be truly grateful. Thank you all in advance.


There is a good chance the Domino Damsel, yellow tail Damsel, Clarki & chromis will be eaten. If these fish where removed you could have a dwarf lion, There are some file fish that would fit nicely in your 55g with lion.
You could look at the Red Tail File fish ( Pervagor melanocephalus ) or Bristle-Tail /Green file ( Acreichthys tomentosus ) either of these would make a great start.
Have you had the chance to read either of these articles on lions?


New Member
Kaye, as a matter of fact I am currently reading the article on reefkeeping. I had not seen the other one. Thank you for the reply and i will be sure to do as much research as possible before I jump into anything.