Wanting a Lionfish


New Member
I asked this in the board for new hobbyist, but I am not sure if I should put this on here for more results, so I figured I would repost here for a broader reply range.
Hello everyone, I am a greenhorn when it comes to saltwater, but I have successfully gotten my 55 gal set up and cycled. I currently have a FOWLR set up that has about 35 pounds of live rock and 40 pounds of live sand. It has been up and running now for about 6 weeks and this last week it finished cycling. I have in it right now
1. 1 Domino Damsel
2. 1 yellow tail Damsel
3. 1 Clarki Clown
4. 3 chromis
5. 1 snawflake eel
6. 10 tiny hermit crabs
I am running a fluval 404, a redsea prism skimmer, 3 aquaclear powerheads, a aquaclear hang on back filter.
My Salienity is 1.023, ammonia 0ppm. nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 5ppm and PH at 82.
I know that this question has been asked before, but I just can not seem to find the answer that I am looking for. I would truly like to have a lionfish I know that the volitan is way too large of a fish for my 55, but I was thinking along the lines of a dwarf zebra or even an antennae, although the antennae may be a little big for my current set up. I am already looking at getting a larger tank within the next year. My main question would be if I can have a lionfish in my current set up and I am not sure what I can house with it. If anyone can give me any suggestions or even let me know if this is even possible I would be truly grateful. Thank you all in advance.


Originally Posted by BlaineC
I asked this in the board for new hobbyist, but I am not sure if I should put this on here for more results, so I figured I would repost here for a broader reply range.
Hello everyone, I am a greenhorn when it comes to saltwater, but I have successfully gotten my 55 gal set up and cycled. I currently have a FOWLR set up that has about 35 pounds of live rock and 40 pounds of live sand. It has been up and running now for about 6 weeks and this last week it finished cycling. I have in it right now
1. 1 Domino Damsel
2. 1 yellow tail Damsel
3. 1 Clarki Clown
4. 3 chromis
5. 1 snawflake eel
6. 10 tiny hermit crabs
I am running a fluval 404, a redsea prism skimmer, 3 aquaclear powerheads, a aquaclear hang on back filter.
My Salienity is 1.023, ammonia 0ppm. nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 5ppm and PH at 82.
I know that this question has been asked before, but I just can not seem to find the answer that I am looking for. I would truly like to have a lionfish I know that the volitan is way too large of a fish for my 55, but I was thinking along the lines of a dwarf zebra or even an antennae, although the antennae may be a little big for my current set up. I am already looking at getting a larger tank within the next year. My main question would be if I can have a lionfish in my current set up and I am not sure what I can house with it. If anyone can give me any suggestions or even let me know if this is even possible I would be truly grateful. Thank you all in advance.
You could go with the fuzzy dwarf but you may need to watch the damsels and the chromis cause if he can swallow them then goodbye fishy. They are cool fish, I used to have one but I got rid of him due to other fish in my 125 and being overcrowded. They have great appetities and once you get them on frozen foods they will eat just about everything that you want to feed them.


I will tell you right now. That that moray will eat 90% of those fish in time. Trust me. Mine is 2 1/2 long. He will eat anything the size of a regular shrimp! He can't see well but when they touch a fish they got him!
be careful
I got my housed with my voiltian. he's doing fine. But all my fish are good size. I'm upgrading to a 125 this summer or 110 tall.


New Member
Thanks Fallnhorse. I am already looking into getting a second tank, maybe a 125. I have already decided to get rid of my damsels since they are harrassing my snowflake and not even allowing him to come out from under his rock. Everytime he pokes his head out the domino comes over and nips at him, chassing him back in.
It is amazing how much you learn, and now I already want to upgrade to a bigger tank. I will keep my 55, but it mainly will be smaller fish.