wanting an anemone, HELP!


I have had 2 clownfish for over 4 yrs. They have never taken to an anemone. I have recently moved and just finished setting up a 55g. I have a ton of LR, and now am wanting an anemone. Is it worth it or will my fish still not take to one? What kind is reccomended, and is extra lighting needed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks


well i firstly recomend a rock solid mature tank for any anemone as well as plenty of lighting t5ho or metal halide. Depending on the species of clown will determine the anemone they will commonly host


They are Percula Clowns, not a lot of black in them, so I would say false. I transfered as much h2o as I could. I upgraded from 35 hex to the 55. I have had the fish in a 10g while the tank cycled for 3 weeks. I had a carpet,in the past, but the fish did not take to it and died after several months. I have since gotten rid of my lighting, and have just a stock 55 set up. I would like a Sabae if the fish would take to it.


As stated by GSELLERS you must have a mature and well established tank (6 months or older)with T5 HO or Mh lighting. Anemones get 90% of their food off the lights. IMO stock lights just won't do it and the anemone will soon bleach(turn white) and its health will diminish. just my opinion


Active Member
Originally Posted by chasar
They are Percula Clowns, not a lot of black in them, so I would say false. I transfered as much h2o as I could. I upgraded from 35 hex to the 55. I have had the fish in a 10g while the tank cycled for 3 weeks. I had a carpet,in the past, but the fish did not take to it and died after several months. I have since gotten rid of my lighting, and have just a stock 55 set up. I would like a Sabae if the fish would take to it.
Even with the right anemone for the right anemone fish, there is no guarantee it will host the fish. Your chances are much better but still no guarantee's. Your stockl lighting is not sufficient for any anemone so the first thing you need to do is upgrade that.


Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
As stated by GSELLERS you must have a mature and well established tank (6 months or older)with T5 HO or Mh lighting. Anemones get 90% of their food off the lights. IMO stock lights just won't do it and the anemone will soon bleach(turn white) and its health will diminish. just my opinion
What is T5 HO or Mh? Is there a certain brand you could recomend for me? Years ago in my first tank, I had coral and such, and I believe I had 5 watts of lighting per gallon. Still a newbie when it come to lighting.


stock lights
PC- Power compacts
t5ho- t5 high output
mh- metal halide
I have Coralife t5ho on my 30 and my 55
55 is a fish only tank soon to be switching over to reef
30 gal -2 ocellaris clowns -lawnmower blenny-flame shrimp-30 nass snails- 6 turbo snails-lta(long tentacle anemone)w/anemone crab-1 pink tip hiatian anem. and 2 condy anems.