Wanting to add



I want to place an order from here to get my replacement percula. I was thinking about a bubble coral - can anyone tell me what these require??, a cleaner shrimp - or would I need two, maybe some snails - do you need cerith snails?? I need to replace my fighting conch - he died right before I went on vacation - think someone else ate him:mad: And I was also thinking about a small school of chromis.
I currently have 4 fish though and I don't know if this would be too many fish. What do you think?? Any other suggestions??
I would like to get a leather that my percs might host in, but I don't think it's on this sight, is it????


Bubble corals require a reasonable amount of light, and hand feeding. Most use silversides. I dont think clownfish host leathers, atleast I haven't ever heard of them hosting leathers. You might look into or ask for suggestions on something easy a clownfish might host. I'm not sure were you going with the cleaner shrimp, and the snails. You would want snails if you have an algae issue, or if you want detrius matter taken eaten, so you wont have an algea or nitrate issue.
Good luck keep asking questions, until you are satisfied with your answer. As my LFS owner always says. I may not suggest it for you, but its your money.


I thought I read a post by someone that said their clowns like leathers? I'll have to look. I just know that I don't want an anemone. I've had too many problems with pink tips moving all around my tank and I hated that!
I already have turbo snails and hermit crabs. I don't have an algae problem, but I just wondered if adding cerith snails would help the brown sand?
I have JBJ compact lighting - 4 X 65. 2 white, 2 actinic. Would this be enough for a bubble coral?
What about the fish additions? Is 8 fish in a 55gal too many?


I tried a bubble coral once and it wasted away in no time. I've been very successful w/ xenia,frogspawn, a bta, and other things but had terrible luck with the bubble. Maybe I didn't have enough light. I'm not sure what happened. The pink tips (condylactis?) do move alot, but others like the bta's usually find a crevice and park it there and rarely move.


Waterfaller1 - I thought that was you that had the hosting leather. Do they sell that one on this site? Would you recommend a bubble coral? They are quite expensive, and I don't want to be disappointed.


Active Member

Originally posted by iluvfish
What about the fish additions? Is 8 fish in a 55gal too many?

That depends on which fish are already in there.


Karajay - I have 1 perc, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 pajama cardinal, and one royal gramma. I have a second perc coming for free because I lost one during the 6 day guarantee. Thanks!


Active Member
The fish you listed are small and stay small. I don't think you'd have any problem with the new additions.


Okay - here's a tough question (and maybe dumb also) I already have a carpet anemone. I wouldn't mind if the percs hosted there. But do you think I should get a leather too and just let them decide? I guess I need to find out though

is this leather available on this site?
If I got a bubble - is there anyway of knowing whether the percs would choose it over the carpet? And do bubble corals sting?


Active Member

Originally posted by iluvfish
Okay - here's a tough question (and maybe dumb also) I already have a carpet anemone. I wouldn't mind if the percs hosted there. But do you think I should get a leather too and just let them decide? I guess I need to find out though

is this leather available on this site?
If I got a bubble - is there anyway of knowing whether the percs would choose it over the carpet? And do bubble corals sting?

Carpets are not natural hosts for percs (I think - will have to cehck @ home) - but most clownfish will host in something they find comfortable .... so I would go with a leather to give them an option - plus they are nice looking corals.
I have a bubble - yes they do sting - but depending on the type they have a very short range!
Good Luck and HTH!


Clowns will host in them, but its not a good thing. The bubble doesn't like the clown and will stay closed up most of the time.
i have to disagree with this my clown host in my bubble and it is hardly ever closed up, except after feedings this has been going on for over a year and the bubble has tripled in size. in my experience some clowns will host some will not i have a long polyp toadstool and my clown could care less, moved it to my 180 and the clown in there loves it. it just depends on the fish! bubble seem very easy to keep for me, i would suggest putting it higher up in your tank with your lighting but it would probably be fineeverbody does have differant thing happen!this is just my experience not saying it doesnt happen to your bubble but it does not happen to mine