Out tank is 6 months old and I think I am ready to pickup a skimmer. I currently have a 75, but we are thinking of upgrading to at least a 150, if not a 200 in 6 months, so I want to do one purchase that will do everything for me. I do not have a sump, nor do I plan on one, I have a FOWLR tank with an ehiem ecco canister, two AC 70 power heads and one 50 powerhead. I have not had any water conditioning problems recently, the canister has been up for a month with no signs of nitrate issues. I do keep it clean, I rinse the media with fresh saltwater and rinse the canister out. I am looking for a skimmer and don't really want a HOB. I was thinking an external one but I do not know if a DNW 200 octoups would fit the bill. I do not want to add a sump, can I pipe this from the tank to the skimmer and back?