Ideas as to the easiest way to set up a fish only aquarium for a 10 gal. I want to have a couple of jawfish in the tank along with a few other gentle fish. I tried to put a jawfish in my 44 gal. but the larger fish tried to kill it so I got it out and sent it back to the fish store. I used to have another one about a year ago and I just loved watching it make its little burrows. Can 2 be put in a 10 gal. together? And also, what other interesting, easy going fish would you recommend? I want to keep the 10 gal. as simple as possible but still keep my fish happy. I am putting enough money into my 44 gal. right now. So what do you all think as far as lighting and filtration. It will have live sand and live rock. It was a freshwater tank so I have an outside filter on it now and just a regular flourescent bulb in the hood. Thanks, again guys. You are all a great help.