Wanting to start corals...please help.


I'm not very familiar with keep corals...what do you have to do (besides lighting) to keep them healthy? I'd like to do corals in a tank 30 gallons (4ft long 1ft wide 1ft tall) but don't really know where to start.
For lights I have one actinics and one 50/50 both 48in and 40watt.
Does the 4watts/gallon (or what ever is suggested) mean actucal watts, or what would be put out by incadesent equilivent?

nm reef

Active Member
Welcome to the forum...I've never seen you around here before. I really can't answer your question...unless I wanted to write a complete "How to manual"...and I don't write that much. Check this link for some basic info...Reef keeping 101 ...the best advice I could provide would be research and read all the information you can get your hands on...develope a plan for what you want...then apply the information you find towards developing you reef. Patience/research/ and more patience is the key. Keep us posted as you progress...and never hesitate to ask questions as you develope your system.:cool:


Yes...I'm nearly finished. I have to do it a little different though than I wanted. I only had 3" clear pipe to use and it wasn't long enough to house all 50' of air tube. I had to build a clear acrylic box to put alot of the tube in so that I have enough room in the pipe for media to host the anaerobic bacteria.


I've been having trouble making the canopy of my tank. If I nail the wood it splits and it won't glue very well. I think I might have to get a bunch of diff wood, but that's ALOT of work cutting it again.
Once the canopy is done I'll start the cycle and we'll see how well this version of a denitrator works :)