warm water sharks


Grey bamboo shark
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Whitespotted bamboo shark
Epaullette shark
Marbled Catshark
Coral Catshark


In the 300 can I put in there a whitespotted catshark, an epaulette shark, and a blue spotted ray? By the way the filtration will be a wet dry for a 400. That berlin skimmer up to 500 gallons, and a strong uv.

big dave

I would only put one shark in a tank that size. Good luck with the ray. They are a very difficult species to keep alive. Maybe you should try a hardier species of ray like a yellow or california ray. Were you planning on any other tankmates? You could mabey put 2 more fish in there. Make sure they don't pick on the shark or ray tho. Good tank mates woudld be large tangs, wrasses, or lionfish. Try to get a Epaulette shark if you have the money. They are awesome. Good luck!