wart-like structures


Does anyone know the name of any other anemones besides the cloning anemone that "The column has wart like structures called tubercles, to which pebbles, shell fragments, and bits of seaweed adhere to"


Active Member
Urticina crassicornis has them. This is an Anthopleura sola. I dont know if they are Cloners though. Intresting question....


Do these come in other colors. My anemone is red. it looks like this one you have pictured,but it is red. I did a search and i do not believe that the anemone i have is the beadlet. thanks


Anemone anatomy:
Verruca (wart): In hexamerous anthozoan (anemone or coral), one in a series of muscular, hollow adhesive structures lined with gland cells; often in longitudinal rows along outer surface of column between lines of septum attachment.
I suppose you could call them tubercles if you like.
Now how about a picture of yours.


Here are some pics Thomas and thanks. I can not seem to get a good shot of the column when the anemone is opened up. But hopefully these pics will help. The lfs i got the rock from told me it was an Waratah anemone, but after a little research i found that the Waratah does not get as big as this anemone I pictured is.


Then again I don't think its very far off from looking like a Waratah either, however it would help to know where your LFS got it from. The one you posted has similarities to the regular Strawberry anemone as well, but not as colorful, yet both have the warts along the column. Perhaps researching more of the intertidal varieties may be in order.


Thank you Thomas.
I will do a little more research on the Waratah and start researching the strawberry. I have one more question though. Everything that I have read os far states that the "Waratah Anemones grow to about 4 cm across." Is this true? The anemone I have is about 1 inch across.


I was giving that some thought, and even started to hypothesise why in the last post but thought better of it, but now I guess I'll share my guess. Now I'm sure the 4cm that you found was most likely an average, and in most cases there is usually an exception to the rule. In our tanks the temp usually stays more constant as well, and if its warmer, it is possible that they will expand more or shrink more, who knows
. Perhpas it is responding very well to your lights or water conditions.
In the end right now all I can do is guess, still can't say for sure if it is a Waratah or not, but I'll keep looking around and help out if I can.


One site I just looked at states they will get: Maximum Size: Diameter to 40 mm thats only 1.57 inches


I did a search on strawberry anemones, the one I have doesn't look much like a strawberry anemone, however it does look alittle similar to the beadlet anemone(strawberry variety). This strawbery is not considered a beadlet anymore, form what I read. I still did not find one article that suggested the presents of the tubercles on the beadlet anemone(strawberry variety). I am kinda of hoping tHAT IT IS A BEADLET , BECAUSE i AM NEW TO THE HOBBY AND FROM WHAT I READ THE BEADLET'S are easy to care for, as they can withstand some pretty nasty conditions. My anemone also does not have the blue things that beadlets have. Also I went to try and find and purchase MH lighting at a LFS yesterday, they did not have any and really did not know what this was,any suggestions on what kind and where to purchase, I know they are expenses< i just need to know where i can purchase this type of lighting.Thanks ,and if you are getting rid of your anemones your help on them is still greatly appricated.