Warts? on my black clown gobie


I apologize, I do not have pictures. My digital camera could not do the symptoms justice.
Ok, my wife decided to surprise one day with a Black Clown Goby. Probably her biggest mistake was she bought it from *****, reknown for selling diseased fish. Well, I wasn't aware of all of this until after the little guy was acclimated and placed into the tank (I don't usually run a QT tank).
Now to the problem. It's been about 3 days since we put him into the tank. I see what I consider 'warts', they aren't just spots, you can actually see roundness to them. I can't tell if they're black or clear because of the fish's 'pygmentation' (when I wake in the morning, the goby is lighter in color and after I turn on the lights, he gets darker). To me, this doesn't look like Ich. I've looked at some of the diseases in the sticky thread and I didn't think I saw a match.
My other fish show no signs of these 'warts'. Here are the fish in my tank:
2 ocellaris clown
2 chromis
1 Potter's Leopard Wrasse
BTW, my water stats are optimal/acceptable.
I am worried that this may spread soon. My first step is make a QT tank and isolate him. However, I'm still not sure how to treat these 'warts', let alone identify what the disease is.
I also wanted to add the fish wasn't picked on by any of the other fish and is eating and moving just fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I apologize ahead of time for a lack of a picture.


After doing some research, I don't think it's Ich or Black Ich because the 'warts' are big (almost the size of a small piece of NERD candy in some spots). They seem to be under the skin.
I already have the little guy isolated.


To me, lymphocystis seems to be an extreme. The goby doesn't appear to have any type of 'cauliflower' lesions, they're more wart-like. However, I can't say that these warts won't eventually turn into cauliflower-like lesions as well.
I can definitely say that these 'warts' aren't pink or white in color, as many descriptions of lymphocystis say.


The only lymph, I have seen is the same color as the skin it's on...:notsure:


I just did the Google search... I can see what you're talking about. I am trying to find a pic of a more milder case....


OK, my wife just looked at the fish and she confirms that the 'warts' on the fish are definitely black. It still doesn't look like anything I've come across in my research though.


Now I'm wondering if this may actually be Black Ich. Of the pictures I've seen, the black spots were smaller and more clustered together. My Goby clearly has black spots but they're bigger and aren't really custered together.


This pic is out of one of my books (shh, don't tell anyone). I had a fish myself with lymphocystis and it looked just like this. (This pic is confirmed lymph). I include the pic for you to rule it out completely, and because we need a good pic of it anyway.:)


From what I see there, I'm going to rule out Lymph. I appreciate your help. Now I have to find more pics of Black Ich. The pics I've seen show many small black dots, mostly clustered together.
I'm going to attempt to take another picture of my goby, I pray it turns out.