I apologize, I do not have pictures. My digital camera could not do the symptoms justice.
Ok, my wife decided to surprise one day with a Black Clown Goby. Probably her biggest mistake was she bought it from *****, reknown for selling diseased fish. Well, I wasn't aware of all of this until after the little guy was acclimated and placed into the tank (I don't usually run a QT tank).
Now to the problem. It's been about 3 days since we put him into the tank. I see what I consider 'warts', they aren't just spots, you can actually see roundness to them. I can't tell if they're black or clear because of the fish's 'pygmentation' (when I wake in the morning, the goby is lighter in color and after I turn on the lights, he gets darker). To me, this doesn't look like Ich. I've looked at some of the diseases in the sticky thread and I didn't think I saw a match.
My other fish show no signs of these 'warts'. Here are the fish in my tank:
2 ocellaris clown
2 chromis
1 Potter's Leopard Wrasse
BTW, my water stats are optimal/acceptable.
I am worried that this may spread soon. My first step is make a QT tank and isolate him. However, I'm still not sure how to treat these 'warts', let alone identify what the disease is.
I also wanted to add the fish wasn't picked on by any of the other fish and is eating and moving just fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I apologize ahead of time for a lack of a picture.
Ok, my wife decided to surprise one day with a Black Clown Goby. Probably her biggest mistake was she bought it from *****, reknown for selling diseased fish. Well, I wasn't aware of all of this until after the little guy was acclimated and placed into the tank (I don't usually run a QT tank).
Now to the problem. It's been about 3 days since we put him into the tank. I see what I consider 'warts', they aren't just spots, you can actually see roundness to them. I can't tell if they're black or clear because of the fish's 'pygmentation' (when I wake in the morning, the goby is lighter in color and after I turn on the lights, he gets darker). To me, this doesn't look like Ich. I've looked at some of the diseases in the sticky thread and I didn't think I saw a match.
My other fish show no signs of these 'warts'. Here are the fish in my tank:
2 ocellaris clown
2 chromis
1 Potter's Leopard Wrasse
BTW, my water stats are optimal/acceptable.
I am worried that this may spread soon. My first step is make a QT tank and isolate him. However, I'm still not sure how to treat these 'warts', let alone identify what the disease is.
I also wanted to add the fish wasn't picked on by any of the other fish and is eating and moving just fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I apologize ahead of time for a lack of a picture.