Was I just ripped off with this AquaC Remora?


New Member
So I bought a Aqua C Remora protein skimmer last night and when I purchased it I asked the clerk twice if the pump was inside the box. He assured me it was so home I went! After the 30 minute drive I got home and promptly opened the box and no pump was found. So I called back and explained the situation, which the guy answering was very sympathetic to. He told me there was a mix-up and the clerk should have given me the pump separately when I paid. Since they had just closed I went this morning to pick up the missing pump. However they gave me a Maxi-Jet 900 instead of the Maxi-Jet 1200 the manual said came with the skimmer. I tried to explain this to them, but they assured me this was indeed the pump that came with it and only the Remora Pro came with the 1200.
Well I did some research online and nowhere do I see a Remora being sold with a Maxi-Jet 900. Should I take this back and not deal with them again? Or will the 900 suit my needs for my 45G bowfront? They already charged me $190 and I can buy the correct skimmer/pump online for 170. All I saw at their store was the Maxi-Jet 900 with a big empty space next to it. My guess is they were out of the 1200 and decided just to try to pawn the 900 off on me. Is that being too cynical? I wanted to try to support a local business but this will be my third hour round trip dealing with this one skimmer. Oh and the icing on the cake is the pump is clearly a used return. If I can get it right the first time online then I don't know why I'm wasting all this extra time/gas money with a shady business.
Thanks and sorry for the ramble!!!


The remora can come with either the Rio 800 or the Maxijet 1200
The MJ 900...SHOULD be sufficient with your tank
BUT....which did you pay for? the 1200 is a little higher...I WOULD NOT go back to a place I could not trust though


New Member
Well according to several online sites, the Remora with the Rio 800 is $155 and the Remora with the MJ 1200 is $165. I paid $189.99 plus tax.... so even with online discounts taken into account I should have at least gotten the MJ 1200. They had no signs or mentioned any distinction when I purchased it however, just "it comes with a pump."
I'm just going to return the whole thing and check out a few other local aquariums before I decide to just buy it online. I'll just have to silence my conscience about not buying local if it comes to that :)


EXACTLY.....so it seems you PAID for the MJ 1200....I also would return it.....I understand the "local" support we like to give, BUT, sometimes online is the way togo


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gobes http:///forum/thread/385622/was-i-just-ripped-off-with-this-aquac-remora#post_3382592
Well according to several online sites, the Remora with the Rio 800 is $155 and the Remora with the MJ 1200 is $165. I paid $189.99 plus tax.... so even with online discounts taken into account I should have at least gotten the MJ 1200. They had no signs or mentioned any distinction when I purchased it however, just "it comes with a pump."
I'm just going to return the whole thing and check out a few other local aquariums before I decide to just buy it online. I'll just have to silence my conscience
about not buying local if it comes to that :)
I believe your conscience should be clear. You did your part, they did not.
A word with the manager might be warranted though, maybe they can clean up their act a bit.


Active Member
take it back, speak to the manager, and besure to let him know that you will be taking your wallet with you and not coming back. Then also let him know that you will be posting your dissatisfaction on the local reefers club message boards.
After all that, if they dont give you the proper pump with some sort of discount, they didnt want your business in the first place and your consciense should be clear about trying to spend locally.
I have to say that I believe I am spoiled with my LFS that I frequint. There are 5 LFS in my area, 6 if you count the one in mass, but the one I frequint has been nothing but awesome to me. Spending $35 on a brittle star only to have it eat $80 worth of fish in my tank sucked. The LFS took it back completely and gave me a full refund. No way that happens anywhere else. I have spent quite a bit with them and will only get my stuff from them in the future.


New Member
Well I took it back and got a full refund. I'll give them credit for not giving me any hassle with the actual return, but I figured with three trips there I gave them a chance. I called another store in the area and they had one w/ the MJ 1200 for the same price. Not to mention this one wasn't a previous return like at the other store. I went there and they even gave me $10 off without me really even asking!! Thanks everyone for all the advice, you can be sure the store in question will be getting an online review reflecting my experience.