wat do i need for a shark?


Active Member
wat will i need if i get a shark egg i want too use cruched coral can i bc my lfs has a banded shark egg for $10 and i really want one bc there so cheap.


First, don't use crushed coral!!! Crushed coral will cause the sharks underside to be scraped up, which will lead to disease. Also, sharks require good water quality and CC will only raise the Nitrates. Before going out and simply buying a shark, I suggest you read this book on sharks. I think its something like "Scott's Shark and Ray Guide", not to sure though, so I suggest you wait. Also, what size is your tank and what other fish do you have in there? Angels, puffers, triggers, and most tangs deffinetly cannot be houseed with sharks. They will bite at the shark's skin and eyes, causing stress and disease. Smaller fish and almost all inverts will be eaten or very stressed out.


you would have to give it back within one month. even a baby, the tank is toooooo small. i started with a 180 gallon tank 6ftX2ft, and that is still consided small for almost all sharks. now i do have a coral cat shark in that tank by itself, but let me tell you it is hard work, all the water changes weekly, feeding and not to mention the equipment that i had to buy for this shark, and it never ends. you must be willing to take care of this animal for its entire life. i have been down this road before, and was given not so good info a few years ago, you have come to the right site. my bamboo lived 1 year and died to comlacations. and it wasent till 1 yearago i did a lot of reserch and did things the right way. please research the info. there is much to learn, and im still learning.