wat to put in 29 biocube?


Hey i was just wondering if anyone had some good opinions on what to put in a 29 biocube. I mean like fish, coral etc. NOTE I AM A BEGGINER BUT REALLY WANT MY TANK LOOKING GREAT AND "FULL" OF LIFE! This is wat kind of stuff that caught my eye and was just wondering wat i can and cannot put in it. THANKS p.s. tell me wat i should avoid on my list!
-candy coral
-torch coral
-green mushroom
-bubble coral
-maze brain
-sun coral
-sea fan
-Bi-color psudochromis
-blue leg hermits
-cleaner shrimp
-nassarius snails
ANy ideas of .02 worth would be great on wat i should put in, anything guys! THANKS


Active Member
You could probably get about 4 fish in there, and your list looks ok if you do 2 clowns and 1 each of the others. I like royal grammas, you could do one of those in place of the bi-color (about the same personality, I just like the royal gramma color more). Also, there are some cool gobies, you could do a clown goby or purple firefish or something like that.
Most of the coral looks ok, though I would recommend against the sea fan and the sun coral for the time being, until you get more time under your belt. They'll require more work.


Active Member
I didnt have luck with Bi-color psudochromis. The one i have was very mean.
What about a bi-color blenny. They have a lot of personality.
you could also do a blue reef chromis if you want a nice blue fish.


i have looked at the blue reef and liked it, one other question is how many hermit crabs and snails should i have in there?


I have heard people having problems with snails reporducing and there tank being taken over by snails...can this happen and if so how will it be prevented?