Defintiely worth the ticket. Especially since the money I spent goes to help clean and protect our coral reefs.
There was some AMAZING footage in this movie. All HD, great color and also nice music.
I think it would have been better if it was narrated by kelsey grammar

Also, A good one for the kiddies. There was no blood bath scenes where the poor baby animal was ripped apart. It was very tastefully done and not scary of frightening in any way. I give it a 3 thumbs up.
It took a little spin towards the "go green" side towards the end. But that's okay. It a lesson that people need to learn. You don't have to run out and buy a prius, but you should try to do your part in just conserving and also not being a litter bug.
The whole premise of the movie was this: "These animals live in the ocean. These are their names and their life stories. Now that you know them and have taken a closer look, you should do your part to help them survive, by keeping their home clean." The end.
I thought it was a good movie with a powerful message.
Side note. Cranberry would love this movie. They cover several stone fish, one of the frondosa fish that she keeps and also some other types of sting fish that I know she would find awesome.
Sadly, no footage or mention of bioluminescence. Sad faces.