watchman goby losing color


I have a yellow watchman goby, that i have had about three years. latley i have notice that his yellow is less tehn it used to be. i have checked params and still have 0 amonia and 1 nitrite (out of nitrate test) could it be just age catching up with the old guy? or do I need to start feeding him differently?



Originally posted by MarksMagic
what are u feeding him currently?
are they all housed together? they sometimes fight amongst themselves, any aggression?
mine lsoes color in the morning and brightens up as the day goes by.....

it's as if he keeps the night coloration all day.
I feed the tank twice dayly with a mixture of brine shrimp, freeze dried plankton (rehydrated) and pellets (sorry don't know what name i buy a bag at the LFS) soaked in a drop of garlic. I am sure he is eating, i always make sure, if he doesn't ill use a eye dropper to get some closer to him. plus he gets all the pods he can hunt down :)
he is housed with a firefish, a coral beauty, and a CBS. each seem to have thier own spots in the tank, and rarely qurrel.
the watchman is a very active one and is often out in the open hopping around watching the outside world go by :)


Watchman gobies are known to lose their bright yellow coloration as they age. The blue dots should get brighter, however, with age.