water cahnge

wayne kirton

New Member
Frist thanks to every one that has ans. question for me the help is great.
I am wanting to change my water 1/4 for the first time.
does any one have a esy guide to this fish are doing great 5 damsel, 1 peperment shrimp and 1 Angle fish any help would be great


How long has the tank been set up?
What type of substrate?
Mix your salt and water in seperate container with powerhead and heater, let this mix for a least 24 hours, and match your main tank temp to the seperate container as well as your salinity. Drain your 1/4 water from your main and (I use a powerhead and tubing to add my saltwater to the main, I just leave the powerhead in the makeup water and add the tubing) or add it anyway that you like as long as you do not add it to fast so as to desturb your (sandbed?) if you have one or corals, try to add it away from any livestock.
A 25% water change is a bit much, not that you can't do it. I might be better to do 10% water changes weekly for 3 weeks if you feel it is needed.