Water Change Container wasn't agitated for 10 days.

My water change rubbermaid trashcan (Where I mix my salt water), has had fresh-water sitting in it for about 10 days, without a powerhead for circulation. It was covered however (no evaporation)...
Is this water still usable for a water change, or should I ditch it and use new water?
I'm running tests on it now, however, they're all coming up with 0 readings.


Absolutely, you can use that water. Even if it evaporated, the only change that may happen is decreased volume, nothing else. What seems to be bothering you?
I was just being anal I guess... I'm uses to only putting water in it to mix saltwater for a water change. And even at that, it's always got a powerhead on for circulation..
Just wanted to make sure.


you might want to aerate it with a powerhead for awhile first-- unles you have an O2 test and it comes out ok....
Thought of that Javajoe...
I'm aerating with a powerhead right now for 24hrs, then will mix salt in and aerate for another 24-48 hours before doing the waterchange.
I've beed bad. I neglected doing a water change for a month.
All levels are normal though...