Water change?=death...help


New Member
Today I did a water change and everything seemed to be fine for several hours. Before I went out tonight I noticed my Coral was hiding even though the lights on the tank were still on. I thought that maybe he was stressed from the water change but it did seem odd that he wasn't stressed earlier directly after the change and now about 7 hours had gone by. Not really being too worried I left for the evening and arrived 4 hours later only to find my Coral dead It's almost 4 in the morning and I can't sleep because I don't know what I did wrong and I'm worried about the other two fish, a Blue Tang and a Damsel. I've checked all the levels out with my test kit and they all are well within acceptable ranges...darn near perfect in fact. The temp of the tank is 80. I don't understand what went wrong. The Coral's death was too sudden and so un-expected. This water change was my first change since adding the Coral to my tank. I got him about 3 weeks ago and had added him about 4 days after I had done a water change. Please help me understand what could have happened. I'm so sad right now...I made sure that I added the right chemical to treat the chlorine, chloramine. I'm feeling so helpless right now. The last thing I want to do is wake up to both my other fishes being dead.


If you used tap water that could be the culprit. I'm not 100% sure but I believe copper could be in the water from old pipes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
Most water conditioners also neutralize heavy metals,still there is a chance of contamination.If you intend to keep corals in the future invest in an R/O unit now. Did you premix the water for 24hrs with a powerhead? Was the temp correct? How much water did you change?