Water change...in gallons?


Can someone translate doing water changes in gallons for me...I seem to be able to understand that better then %. For example...in my 37 gallon tank, to do a 5% water change that's how much in gallon equivalent?? I need to do a major one tonight cause I keep getting these algae growths (green film) on my glass and my trates are STILL high :mad:


Active Member
5% of 37 is 1.85 gallons, so round it off and change out 2 gallons.
I usually do 10% - 20% changes personally, but it depends on how often...


You may want to look at root cause of your problems as a water change may not be the solution...
Using RO water? Lights on too long? That may cause the alge.
Overfeeding? That may cause problems with the Trites.


har...har....duhuh! My brain just didn't want to work today...I should have been able to figure that equation thing!! To answer everyone's questions...
1. I use RO water from my lfs and I tested it...no trates.
2. My lights are still pretty new (the tank is only 2 months old) and I have them on a timer....12 hr shifts. SHOULD I GET A NEWER BULB....like Kipass said? I have a flourescent and an actinic bulb in the hood.
3. I watch the little piggies when I feed them....hardly ANYTHING left in sight and the hermits eat whatever they can scrounge up.
4. I do weekly water changes and always siphon the tank.
5. No powerhead YET - getting one this weekend for sure. That should help with the circulation/oxygenation.
Soooooo....what next....suggestions?


Active Member
You're doing everything right. As your tank is still very new I wouldn't let it stress me too much. If you continue the good practices the "new tank" algea problems will disappear.
BTW. some green film on your tank glass will probably always be there. That just comes with a sw tank. Extra snails help keep it down, but you'll always have to scrape the glass.
Good Luck!


You know...your right...I shouldn't stress about it! I love my magnet though...saves me a whole lot of work!! Thanks for the input guys!