Water change ???? Please


I am going to buy about three large containers of distilled water and do a 25% water change on my tank. Then in about a week do another 25%, until I feel I have all distilled water in my tank. Basically starting all over with new purified water. Will this be less stressful on my fish as tap water would? I understand that I have all this brown algae growing in my tank because of tap water.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by SaltFisher
I am going to buy about three large containers of distilled water and do a 25% water change on my tank. Then in about a week do another 25%, until I feel I have all distilled water in my tank. Basically starting all over with new purified water. Will this be less stressful on my fish as tap water would? I understand that I have all this brown algae growing in my tank because of tap water.

Your brown algae consumes phosphates from your fish as well as your input water. Water stripped of buffering agents and trace elements (as well a phosphates and nitrates) will stress your system and may result in low ph or even could lead to a tank crash.
If you add desirable plant life such as macros or marine plants, they will consume ammonia, nitrates and phosphates. And by adjusting lighting (lower) the brown algaes will die off and the new plant life will consume the phosphates and nitrates instead of the ugly algaes. You may have to set up a refugium to protect the new plants or culture the plants in another container to insure the system has a constant supply.
So no need to start over. Just make a minor change and the brown algae will go away.


Thanks, but you know how you have your system setup the way you like it? I don't have any greenery in my tank and I really don't want to add any. It will ruin my look. I understand what you are saying though. Plus I have fish that will eat the plants. As long as doing the distilled water change wont harm/stress my fish, I am going to go that route. Aleast change 50% of my water with distilled. I bet that will slow it down.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by SaltFisher
Thanks, but you know how you have your system setup the way you like it? I don't have any greenery in my tank and I really don't want to add any. It will ruin my look. I understand what you are saying though. Plus I have fish that will eat the plants. As long as doing the distilled water change wont harm/stress my fish, I am going to go that route. Aleast change 50% of my water with distilled. I bet that will slow it down.

You might try setting up a refugium. That way the plant life would be outta sight.
Betcha the algae will still be there after the 50% water change. Plants can and will consume most all the phosphates, ammonia, and nitrates. The 50% water change can only remove 50% of them at most.


Active Member
Sorry about our local neighborhood #@$%#@.
Brown algae blooms are very common in a new system. Tap water WILL aid in the bloom by providing a second source of nutrients. Personally, I would do a 30% change and then like 5% a week. Large water changes can stress the fish but small water changes are very beneficial.


I just wanted to add, make sure you age the water for at least 24 hours and this will also be less stress full to the fish.


You talkin about Bob?? :D
See that is what's funny to me. My system has been running for well over two years. I wasnt doing water changes because I had no problems. Then I started doing them because I started leaving my lids open and the water would evaporate really quickly. I would be adding tap water when doing the changes and all this has started to occur. Sorry for the ignorance, but what is a refugium? I have never had this crap this bad. My hands are in the tank like 3 times a week cleaning the glass, which is too much. I think i'll do the 30% change and then do 5 to 10% over the next few weeks. I know it may not stop the growth, but i'm sure it'll slow down.