Water change ???? Please


I am going to buy about three large containers of distilled water and do a 25% water change on my tank. Then in about a week do another 25%, until I feel I have all distilled water in my tank. Basically starting all over with new purified water. Will this be less stressful on my fish as tap water would? I understand that I have all this brown algae growing in my tank because of tap water.


salt-yes that will help, have you considered a RO or DI unit. They are reasonably priced and will pay for themselves in no time. There is one inexpensive DI unit that could also help, it is the Tap Water Purifier. It will filter about 150-200 gallons before you have to replace the media. The unit only costs around $40 and the replacement media around $20.
The brown algae could also be from an excess of silicates in the water. Distilled, RO, and DI will all help.