water change problem....



i have decided to make some small waterchanges and made up some water early today....
I dumped the recommeded amount of salt into my 29 gallon tank with RO water... I used a powerhead to move it around and by the end of today, the water is still very very cloudy... cant see anything in the tank.. i think there is something wrong, but not sure..
I used Reef Crystals for my salt, and my refractometer says its 1.023... same as my tank.... i am actually going to use it for top off water to raise my salinity to 1.025... hopefully in the next couple of weeks...
the only thing is, since i havent made saltwater since i set up my tank, i am not sure if this is normal... and if so... how long does it take to go away??


I just made 40g today with ro I use I.O salt and clears up in ten minutes. Maybe its the type of salt, not sure. what you did is correct. Just give it some time. L8TR


hmm... woke up this morning.. and its still coudy... a little less that last night... but coudy!!!...
I'll give you an update tonight.


I thought that reff crystals (which I use also) are made by the same company as instant ocean....
In any case, When I mix the salt to the RO water it takes some time to clear, but not a lot.


New Member
Is there a possibility that some type of contaminate could have been in the tank or the cup you used to scoop the salt? Maybe even just dust? I use Reef Crystals too, which yes, is made by Instant Ocean. It always clears with a few minutes circulation with a power head. I wouldn't put it in the tank until you figure out why it's cloudy.


well... it couple be a couple of things...
1) i added the salt to an empty tank, then added water,
2) it could also be a rarely used powerhead....
1) i will test my salt (maybe its faulty salt) in a seperate glass container, with just a spoon)
2) i will try just the powerhead in an empty container filled with just water..
I will let you know.



Originally posted by elan
1) i will test my salt (maybe its faulty salt) in a seperate glass container, with just a spoon)
--- not the sallt... put some rodi in a glass, and mixed salt with a spoon.... clear within minutes.....
2) i will try just the powerhead in an empty container filled with just water..
---havent tried this, but the powerhead must be the culprit... my tank was washed clean before using it...
I will let you know.

When i came home today, the 29g had clear water... the only thing is a white silty substance all over the powerheads, wires, heater and bottom of the tank...
it must have been the powerhead... i thought i cleaned it out by just washing it with water, but i will have to use more extreem measures...
From what i understand, vinigar is the best thing to use... am i right? and how do i do it? just let the powerhead sit in water with vinigar overnight? or just splashing some on the powerhead and a good rince is all i need??


New Member
With 'silty powder' information it sounds more like a precipitate event. Such as the calcium precipitating in solution with the saltwater. Saw something similar one time when I accidently overdosed kalkwasser. (shrugs) Don't know.
When I clean my pumps with vinegar, I usually stick them in a bucket with a strong vinegar solution and let them run for a while. An hour or so, then take a toothbrush to them while I rinse under the faucet.


Active Member
it's all normal. red crystal is made from instant ocean, or as i heard, but different versions. red crystal is not meant to be made up and then five minutes later add to the tank. this kind of salt is to be sat around for a day or two and then added. even with instant ocean u should let the water sit for a bit.


Active Member
I think you will have much better results mixing saltwater if you
1) Get the RO water up to temperature with a heater.
2) Aerate the RO water as it warms up. Use a powerhead overnight along with the heater.
3) Slowly add the salt to this warm aerated RO freshwater.
Sprinkle it into the 29 mixing tank while stirring with a large plastic spoon. Once it's all stirred in - let the powerhead do it's thing for another 24 hours or so.
I've mixed IO and Reef Crystals like this - and it does not get all that cloudy.
Powders added to liquids often mix better than liquids added to powders. Not always - but in this case - they do.
Good luck on the next batch ;)


New Member
Broomer makes a good point about the powder to liquid vs. liquid to powder. The next time I am making a batch, I will set aside a 5gal. bucket and add the water to the salt and see if I get the same result, or if it dissolves normally. Not exactly 'scientific' but I would be curious to see if it makes a difference with Reef Crystals. At least with the batch that I currently have.


i would be interested too.... in a few weeks, i will try the water, then salt.. and see... but i think its my powerhead that was the culprit.