Water Change Question, Sort Of...


I was planning on doing a 20% Water Change (My 1st Water Change) this evening on my 46 Gal Bowfront that is at the end of it's cycle.
Last night I setup a tub of about 10 gallons of RO/DI Water plus a Heater and a Powerhead, etc. I tested the SG and might need to tweak it down just a bit, but that's really not my question...
I was planning on doing the Water Change tonight, but now I'm not 100% sure that I will get to it until Friday Evening or Saturday.
Will it hurt anything to have this tub of 10 Gal, Heated, Salt Water sitting until then as long as I leave the PH and Heater running?
It was a "clean" tub that I started with.
Thanks in Advance,

my way

Active Member
It will be fine as long as you keep it circulated and at the temperature of your display tank.


Well, as it turns out, my question was mute, because I ended up having time to do it this evening anyhow... It didn't take too long, I used an extra Powerhead hooked to some tube to pump the water out of the tank and into a 5 Gal Bottle (2 times) and then the pump out of my clean water tub downstairs in the garage into the empty bottle and dumped into the tank...Maybe 30-40mins start to finish, and I took the time to test my Ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites one more time befoe the water change.
Is there anything special I need to do post water change... kick back on the Powerheads and Heater and stuff in the main tank, and maybe test the SG and other stuff maybe tomorrow?
Now I need to think about picking up a cleanup crew to help out with the algea...