water change question


most do a 10% water change a month or smaller ones more freqeuntly so that the change wont be as drastic.
but a 5 gallon water change weekly is pretty good in my eyes small but frequent. thats 20 to 25 gallons a month change out. and your critters will love ya for it.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
you really could only change 5 gallons every 2 weeks and be perfectly fine. But if you really feel the need to do more, its up to you.


I'd go with 5 every two weeks. Unless your quality of before you mix your salt is perfect, this may help with nuisance algae and cyano bacteria. I only do a 5 gallon every two weeks on my 40 and my params are better with less frequent water changes(use to change 5 every week). Even on this schedule I change 25+ percent a month. you'd be right at 20%


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by DJJ624
Is a 5gallon water change a week to much or to little ?? I have a 55 gallon tank..

For me that is too much. I just replace the water that evaporates.


Active Member
Water changes are truely one of the hardest things to give advise on.
Each of our tanks are unique - and what works for one person may not work so well for another.
There are just way too many variables involved.
In my opinion, the very best advise one should consider, would be to try out different water change schedules/amounts on your own tank - and see what works the best.
I do favor water changes over not doing them at all, but the actual amount and frequency will be different for each of us.
If you're planning on doing a 5% per week on your 55, for general maintenance to freshen up the tankwater .... I think that's fine.
If you're planning on doing this same 5% per week for nitrate reduction or other corrective measures - I don't think it's enough to make much of a dent.
You kind of need to ask yourself - "why am I doing this water change today?"
Try it out - change it around a little - notice the condition and appearance of your tank/creatures - watch your test kit results ..... and make some changes if necessary.
Eventually you'll hit on the right amount and frequency for your individual tank set up.