Water Change - When to do

My tank is currently cycling. It's two weeks old. When should I do a water change? I've got the following:
Ammonia = 0.25
Nitrate =0.00
Nitrite = 0.00
wet/dry filter
2 fish and some inverts


Don't do a change until the tank has cycled or you will increase the cycling time.
I did a 20% change after
my cycle was complete, waited 48 hours, then retested my water. At that point you can slowly start adding some cleaners.


Active Member
You're aiming for:
Ammonia = 0.00
Nitrite = 0.00
Nitrate =elevated
The water change will then bring the Nitrate down and you'll be ready for your first cleaners.


Active Member
nitrates should be 20ppm or lower for inverts I have heard as high as 50ppm or lower for fish only.


Active Member
What test kit are you using? Red Sea is known for giving 0.25 ammonia readings, when it's actually 0. :D


Active Member
20ppm is considered the safe limit line it isnt desirable most ppl try and keep it as low as possible but 20ppm is where it starts getting bad.


Active Member
definatly wait till the end of the cycle to do your water changes. and i would do a large water change when you do.