Water Change


I just set up my 55 gallon tank and i have all my sand and my RO water, and my salt is mixed....i was wondering during the cycle do i do water changes...or add more water when it evaporates?


Active Member
You definitely want to top off for evaporation with fresh RO water, but doing water changes all depends on your tank.
What do you have cycling the tank? If you want to save some of the critters on the live rock, I would do a water change once the ammonia goes beyond 1 or 2 ppm. Like stated though, it will slow down your cycle.


Active Member
you do add water when it evaporates. if it is live sand in the tank... is the salt mixed in with the ro water


Active Member
You do not need live rock to start a cycle, but it is always recommended to have live rock for a saltwater tank.


Well im am getting some of my LR tom just not all of it so that will start the cycle for me...and i was wondering how i acclimate it?
Also will any corals already be on the live rock when i buy..like will it grow off of it,and when i put the rock in there do i need to run my lights?


Active Member
there might be some feather dusters and stuff... small and require no special lights although do run light 8 to 9 hours daily


awesome...will they still look good, and how do i go about putting my LR in my tank will i have to do anything special or do I just put it in
And how long will the cycle start before i can start adding fish