Water change?


My tank has been up for a month it is a 26 gallon bow front. How much water should i change. And how should i go about changing the water.

nm reef

Active Member
First off if your system has been set-up for 1 month are you certain it has completed the initial cycle? If it has not then I would suggest you hold off on any water change until the cycle is complete....a water change during the cycle will only prolong the cycle and is not needed.
If the cycle is complete then a small water change can be done simply by preparing the desired amount of fresh water in advance(5%-10% is what I normally do)....mix the salt to match the specific gravity of your current display water....let it settle/age for at least 24 hours....try to insure SG/temp/ph closely match display levels. Then simply remove the same amount from your display then replace with new.:cool:


thanks my cycle has completed. The wateer i originaly used was from my lfs. The tank cycled after 1 week. should i get some water from my lfs then tank that equal amount out of my tank? how many gallons do i need to change?


yep, Salty is $$ on that response. BUT remember, if you have LR and LS that means you do not actually have 26 gallons of water. don't mean it to be an insult, it's just ...that wasn't brought up.
good luck! :cool:


New Member
I have two small 29 gallon tanks. I have found that 2.5 gallon water changes weekly or bi-weekly of 5 gallons has been the only way I have kept great tanks. I check the ph and nitrates weekly and feed less. I check phosphate and hardness a couple of times a month. My tanks are doing well, but if I skip the water changes I get in trouble. I probably should check calcium too, but never have found a test kit in the only store here that sells them.