water change?


New Member
My cycle has finally finished and all levels have been at 0 for 3 days but one of my live rocks and my sand(Carib-Sea Aragonite) is starting to turn a rust color it is even getting on the dead piece of coral that I have in the tank for looks. Any help would be appreciated.


Probably nothing to worry about. I got the same thing a few weeks ago (I'm still a newbie as well). It seems it is normal that first brown algae appear. I was worried as well (posted a thread here :) and indeed some replied with my current answer).
At the time I did cut back on the hours lighting (from 12 back to 8 hrs). After a week all the brown stuff was gone. I am currently back to 8 hrs whites, 10 hrs blue. Rights now I'm facing a small amount of green algae (not hairy or bubble). This also seems part of the cycling. What I start to learn is that "cycling" is not JUST ammonium & nitrite back to zero. It is a lot more, including algae growth.
Good luck!


Brown stuff is probably diatoms. It will go away soon, a normal part of the cycle. Some snails and hermits may take of it too.


I had that also my 180 gal reef tank with 160 lr been up for 2 mo. now still have the rust looking effect ...u can get turbo snails and crab it will help ...my friend said as soon as the cycle gets done 3-4 mo. it will start to go away


New Member
Thanks for the help I was starting to worry a little. So cutting back on the hours of light should help slow it down a little, and maybe pick up a few hermits or something? What other kind of bottom cleaning things should I get now that I am done cycling? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


how big of tank? mexican turbo snail are great there clean my back wall and sand great...i more my sand around some also


Does/did your tank look like this?

The same tank 3 days later.

Hard to believe, but yes it was only three days. All I did was to clean the front glass a couple of times and wash my filter daily. This happened to me after I upgraded my lighting.
For those of you on dial-up sorry for the larger image size. I'm at work and did not have time to edit them down.


New Member
It is a 39 gallon Eclipse tank. Me and my wife were keeping freshwater fish in it and decided to go for the saltwater tank now. I am sure I will be getting a bigger tank very soon but I wanted to check it out first. Also yes my tank looks just like that picture and I sure hope it looks like the second picture in 3 days. The turbo snails sound like a good idea and will probably get some this weekend. Thanks for all of the advice.