Water change???


Well I'm 19 days into the cycle. I used a lot of LR and LS and a piece of fish. This really kick-started the cycle. I've had the ammonia spike, which went down to zero and has been there for 5 days now. I've had the nitrites steady at .25ppm and the nitrates holding fast at 10...
I did a 5gal water change 3days ago after adding another piece of cured LR. My ammonia is still zero, nitite is still at .25, but nitrates have jumped to 20.
I'm realllly tempted to do a 5gal water change TODAY in order to lower the nitrites and nitrates. The PH, SG and temp are all good.
Should I cool my jets and wait another couple days or what? I've been pleased at how fast things have been happening in my tank, which I guess I can attribute to the LR and LS.
Thanks for any suggestions!


I agree with lilbuddy. You really shouldn't do a water change until the cycle is completely finished. Just be patient and the levels will go down.