water change


New Member
Just did a water change on my 55. For the 1st time in about 8 months, cleaned my coral and conchs with bleach. Rinsed each piece for 30 minutes (timed), rinsed afterwards in de-chlorinator, let stand outside for approx. an hour, and because it's so cold out, put all the coral/shells in a hot rinse with yet some more dechlorinating solution just to be safe. I didn't want the cold coral to affect water temp.
All chemicals are ok. Ph is good, no nitrates, ammonia, salt level the same. Temp the same.
3 out of 5 fish are rubbing and "flashing".
Any suggestions?


Staff member
I used to use the bleech method of cleaning dead corals too, but no more. Have had enough ill effects on fish, including total wipe-out as a result....no matter how much you rinse,etc. Use a wire or tooth brush to clean up the corals. Or a heavy blast of water.
How's their breathing? This could be a parasite problem or poisoning from the bleech.


New Member
I too, just finished my water change. A 10 to 20 percent water change should be done every two weeks. Every other day top up water levels with distilled water. But, please do not use bleach under any circumstances. Like stated before wire brushes, and just hot water to clean decorations.