water changes? flow? lighting?


ok, so i have been using regular tap water in all my water changes so far. I also have recently got a bad case of cyanobacteria...some have told me that was linked to the tap water and bad flow. So, with that said, i have recently purchased distilled water in the gallon jugs from wallmart and plan on doing water changes with that for the time being. I am also looking to buy a new pump, how many gph should i get for a 55 gallon tank? I am also going to purchase some more additions to my cleanup crew. Do you think the bacteria will clear out?
Oh, and for the lighting, i was wanting to do a reef tank so how much lighting should i get. I am in highschool so money is a limitation, what lighting can i get for the best price? I still want it to be good lighting...not anything cheap that won't do the job.
-thanks in advance


Well for ur 55 i would at least have 1400 gph flow in ur tank just try to cover all four corners with good flow that will help with ur cyno, and for ur lights u could go with pcs those would do really well with softies and lps. With that cyno just make sure u keep checking those phosphates and nirtrates also. Just look around on some sites for pcs im sure u can find some at a good price.


I have been loking on ---- for some stuff to build a sump with so i think i will look for lighting aswell. thanks for the reply. also has anyone tried a different approach to sumps? like using the same setup as you would for an outside pond? My mother swears it will work just the same, but i'm leaning towards the traditional sump-with protein skimmers and such. Since she is going to pitch in some money it's basically what she decides.lol, so give me some good oppinions


Yea if u are going to run a sump i would go traditional make a spot for ur skimmer. I run a 55gal without a sump just run a skimmer and refugium and i have a mostly sps dominated tank with no problem, and there are people out there who think not having a sump is the worst idea, but ive been doing it now for years. If u do go with a sump i would put the skimmer in there.


Since water changes are so key this hobby, I believe your best investment is to buy an RO/DI unit. I know money is tight, but think of all the trips to the store how much that will cost you in gas. If you can make your own water at home, you will be more likely to change your water regularly and be more successful. I bought PC lighting since I didn't want to spend too much. But also look at T5 if you can. The bulbs are way cheaper to replace, from what I see in the catalogs. Fluorescent bulbs should be replaced every six months to guarantee proper lighting. Of course, if you want clams, anemones, or hard corals you will have to go to Metal Halide lighting.