water changes in a reef tank?(reefkeepers only plz)


would u do less water changes to a reef tank than a fish tank? i know u r supposed to do one evry 2-3 weeks/10% or so to a fish tank but what about a reef? since there is less fish and 4 times more lr how often would u have to perform a water change? :p <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


suhweet! thanx 4 the answer to my question red. most of the time people just blab on about something and never answer my question.
Right now I'm in the process of weeding out all the tap water and having all RO. So I'm doing more water changes. Otherwise I did a 10% water change like every 3 months. If even that. I have so much water evap that I really don't see much need.

nm reef

Active Member
personally I think the need for water changes in a reef is the same as in a fo.....removal of old water and replacement of trace elements.......I try to change 10% once a month in all 3 of my systems if only for the trace elements.

richard rendos

Active Member
Do this...get a nitrate test kit. Test the water every two weeks. If the level goes above 15-20 ppm.... do a water change. If not, don't. Unless the only way you are replenishing trace elements is through water changes then by all means do 10% every two weeks.


I change 20% of my water a month but i change it 10% every two weeks. You need to treat it as a fish tank because there is still waite in the tank.
i haven't done any water changes in over 8 months on my tanks! thats ok for me though, since i use eco-system filters on my tanks. ;)
Originally posted by give me fish:
<strong>I change 20% of my water a month but i change it 10% every two weeks. You need to treat it as a fish tank because there is still waite in the tank.</strong><hr></blockquote>
hay I have about the same tank i am haveing a bad hair alge problem if you can help e-mail me at richie_c@ameritech.net thanks


Active Member
Question for those who do not do water changes.. Why risk it? You know there elements that need replenishing. You know there is abuild up waste. Why risk the health of your fish and your investment by just leaving it? Not flaming, just asking.
Me, I do a 40 gallon change once a month on my 180.


I do 5 gal a week 8% then ever so often I will do a larger one around 20%. I figure that the trace elements need to be replaced and also any chemical build up from corals will be reduced. That and I like to feed my corals well. :)


All right-lordofthereef-I'll bite--explain your eco-system filter and exactly what it is and what it does that keeps you water-change free???
I have never heard of this filter.