Water changes or no?


There seems to be a mix of opinions about water changes and just wanted to know what everyone else is doing to make their reef tanks run successfully.
Do you do water changes?
How often?
What percentage of water do you change?
How long has your tank been up and running?
All of these questions will help everyone run tanks successfully, I hope.
Thank you in advance!


Active Member
several years running.
I try to stick to 10% weekly. My poor little tank is stuffed to the top so I have an abnormal nurtient and trace mineral drop if I dont.
I am a huge advocate of waterchanges.


Brad, I have a 125 reef. I change 12-13 gallons everyother week or so. I do NOT add suppliments as water changes should replace the majority of used up minerals etc.
Tank has been up about a year.
I live by, do not add anything you cannot/do not test for.


Active Member
but Seawater in itseft has hundreds of trace items and compounds that our corals use. We test for the basic big 8 and assume if they are good then all is well and waterchanges are pointless.
That thought is very misleading to some newbes that think our tanks just need.
salt, calcium, magnesium, Iodide, Iodine, Strontium, Montiblenium, and Alkali


Thanks for responses. Everything posted will help. Posted this thread on this board by accident. Also posted on reef side.
Thanks again!