Water changes or no?


Posted first on wrong site.
There seems to be two different schools of thought on this subject and just wanted to do an informal servey.
Do you do water changes?
How often?
What percentage do you change?
How long has your tank been up and running?
Hopefully this information will help everyone keep tanks up and running successfully for a long time.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Do you do water changes? Yep
How often? Weekly
What percentage do you change? 25%
How long has your tank been up and running? My 20g frag tank and 32g display has been setup about 10 months and almost 1 month respectively, but they're connected to the same sump.


Originally Posted by Bragru
Posted first on wrong site.
There seems to be two different schools of thought on this subject and just wanted to do an informal servey.
Do you do water changes?
How often?
What percentage do you change?
How long has your tank been up and running?
Hopefully this information will help everyone keep tanks up and running successfully for a long time.
Thanks in advance.

Do I do water changes? - Absolutely
How often? - Monthly. - I have around 300 gallons total. 30% water change. - Mind you I use only RO/DI for change/top off.
Up and running? - 2 years.
Not changing water is an idiotic concept. - Yes you can survive not doing them. - But at what cost? - I can run every day with the same pair of socks without washing them. - But how gross is that?


Active Member
Yes, I change water weekly or biweekly, upwards of 25G for my 125G tank. I've been in the hobby for about 10 years and this tank has been up for 5. Not doing a water change is possible, but it is simply more work as you must replenish calcium, trace elements, and others by hand and ensure excellent filtration. There is no sense in not doing a water change.


I have a 125 that has been up for about 4 years. I change 20% biweekly with ro/di water.


Active Member
- do water changes
- whenever i think the tank needs one.
- usually about 8-12 gallons
- tanks been up a year. 30 gallon with 10 gallon sump.
just want to add that i use natural sea water. i do more water changes in the summer when my boats in the water and i can get out into the ocean.
during the winter ill buy premade water, but i usually only do one or two water changes between october and april.


Active Member
I change 10% in my 12 gallon weekly. I sometimes don't think that's enough but if you have a nano tank you can't go without doing water changes...stuff will die. The tank has been up for about 6 months.


Change about 10% every week. My 75 has been up for about 5 months.