Water Changes while Cycling Tank w/LR


We are cycling our 75 gal tank with 90#s of LR. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are way up, as I would expect. I was talking to a person at the lfs today and he said if you are only using LR to cycle the tank you should be doing pretty much complete water changes. The ammonia will never go down without it. I thought I read that during the cycling you didn't want to do any water changes. So, should I be doing water changes while it cycles? If so, how much and how often.


DON'T do water change until the cycle is done, i think what your lfs saying is wrong, what kind of bio-filteration did u have??? is it just lr??? i am sure at the beginning lr alone won't able to handle those well.


I have a Marineland Emporer 400 bio filter running, as well as a protein skimmer, and two powerheads to move things around. As long as I give it time do you think it will complete the cycle on its own with this set up? BTW, this was cured LR that I had shipped to me, for what that is worth.


Wait until the cycle is completed before doing a water change and don't listen to the lfs anymore. Do your own research and ask the board before asking them anything. Do you also have live sand. If not then adding this to your tank will help your tank cycle faster.