Water Changes


How often do you recommend water changes? MY LFS said every two weeks change about 20% and then I have read 10% every week. I read a post today that someone did it once a month. I have a 60 gallon tank with protein skimmer. Currently I only have 2 clownfish, 3 emeral crabs, a lawnmower blenny, a CBS shrimp, a fire shrimp, 15 turbo snails and 20 hermits. I think I have a pretty good cleanup crew. Oh and one hitchhiker, a bristleworm.


well what i have found out in my time is that you do what works for you. i know people that swear buy not changeing the watter. NEVER and i know people that change it every week. personally in my 70g i just change 5g a week. and in my 200g i will change 10g (easyer to measure then 13). so its totally up to u


Active Member
dont know about others but i do a big wc every month.. 40% of my water volum which is about 40 gals..


Originally Posted by Maurice
I like to do 20% every two weeks,gives my tank time to settle before i am changing water again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by StonyNut
70g every two weeks in my stony system
Wow... that seems to be a lot... what's the total tank size again??