Water changes


Hi all,
This may be a dumb question...but could not find an answer doing a search

When you do a water change, do you syphon the water from the bottom or the top of the tank
Or does it not even make a difference ??
Here's what I have...I got the tank all cycled and set up for at least 3 years.
I have a 15 gallon tank with an anenome, LR, sand bottom, clean up crew and a Sunrise Dottyback. HOB filter and no protien skimmer.


Thanks...I wasn't sure if anything bad (ei..nitrate/nitrite/ammonia) would settle in one part over another...I knew it was a dumb question...LOL :notsure: (especially when I have a lot of water movement)
But I'm really glad you guys take the time to answer even the dumbest questions here