Water changes


I have been fighting for awhile now trying to get my salinity up to where I want it. For months It has been down around 1.019. I have been trying to get it up to 1.022 and its finally there. Its a 29gal tank and I do a 2 gallon change every week. I have been making really high salinity batches to raise my tanks salinity. So from know on do I just make sure all my water changes are 1.022 to maintain it there?


During my water changes I match my salinity (I keep my tanks 1.026) but through your top offs you want to stick with just RO water.

nm reef

Active Member
The easy way is to remove a specific amount of tank water and replace it with a equal amount of prepared salt water that matchs the salinity/temp/PH of your display. Why did it take so long to raise your salinity? I've raised or lowered salinity as needed via water changes several times and it seldom takes more than a few weeks to get the level I want.