water changes


New Member
Can someone tell me what is the best way to succesfully make 20% water changes. I have r/o available.And also if can I add some l/s.


You,like me, have the option of getting "real ocean" water from the LFS. I would suggest changing the water with that. I would get the water,keep it in a sealed container. Put it in a dark place for about a week. Then heat it to the same temp as your tank.


When you drain out your water just add the sand to your tank(as long as it is wet) also be sure to check the salinity of the tank before filling it up.... you can make the water a day or two in advance then check the water and add it ..... be sure it is the the same temp.......
[ April 19, 2001: Message edited by: krazzydart ]


New Member
Thanks, but I still don't know when should I do a water change, how much of it and how can I find out about having good oxigen for the fish??? :eek: :eek: