water changes


I do water changes every week on my 75 gallon and it's only five gallons, if I do more will it hurt the coral when the coral are exposed? :confused:

nm reef

Active Member
Good question.........I'm interested also........seems to me its not wise to even briefly expose them....I try to avoid it in my 55 reef........but I'm able to get about 10 gals every 2 weeks.........maybe the sharks will feed on this one.......I'll check back to see what they say....... :cool:


Active Member
That depends on the coral, I expose my acropora every weekend when I do 2 gal changes on my 29gal reef, no problem. Most corals will be fine if it is allowed to collapse itself first.


It does depend on the species a lot. SPS species will have no problem at all. Some LPS species could have problems due to the weight of the water inside their tissue. It could make them pull away from their skeleton, so make sure to watch those. If you have your new salt water mixed before you drain the water from the tank, it will be a very short time they are exposed.