Water changes ??


I have read alot about water changes. I test my water regulary and so far (knock on wood) the results have been perfect. My question is, should i still do water changes if my tests show ideal conditions or should i do it as a precaution ? If the answer is yes, how often do you recommend the changes and what percent do you recommend for a tank (5,10,15 % etc..) :notsure: Thank You again.


Active Member
Water changes are probably one of the most important practices you can adopt in this hobby. Your tank is fairly new so you may not have noticed too much in the way of fluctuations but over time, nitrates have a habit of creeping up. Regular water changes remove toxins and replenish trace elements. 15-20% every two weeks is a good starting point IMO. You can adjust the amount/frequency as needed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
Water changes are probably one of the most important practices you can adopt in this hobby. Your tank is fairly new so you may not have noticed too much in the way of fluctuations but over time, nitrates have a habit of creeping up. Regular water changes remove toxins and replenish trace elements. 15-20% every two weeks is a good starting point IMO. You can adjust the amount/frequency as needed.
well said


thanks for the responses, i did additional reading after the post and you all said exactly what i read i will start water changes very soon. thanks again for your quick responses.